Franklin Insurance Agency Inc Blog: farm
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Monday, June 3, 2024Although farm insurance has several unique aspects, the claims process is much the same as any other business insurance policy. When you file a claim on any part of your farm insurance policy, you will need to follow the normal claims process, along with waiting the proper length of time to receive compensation. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 8, 2023We all know that the weather is fickle and can ruin a picnic or a vacation. Having those events ruined is no fun, plus it's inconvenient. But for a farmer, the fickle weather can be much more than inconvenient; it can be devastating. Weather can ruin a crop or reduce the yield. So, what can a farmer do for protection? READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 22, 2023To any agricultural producer, farm insurance might seem like a burden. After all, it’s an ongoing expense that might cut into your overall profit margins. Still, this is one of the most important risk management tools that any farmer needs. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 5, 2023Think of how much it cost you to construct a barn, silo or equipment garage. You don’t want to watch that investment be destroyed in a tornado or go up in flames in a fire. And to make matters worse, you certainly don’t want someone to enter these buildings and damage them or steal the items inside. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 12, 2022Think of how much it cost you to construct a barn, silo or equipment garage. You don’t want to watch that investment be destroyed in a tornado or go up in flames in a fire. And to make matters worse, you certainly don’t want someone to enter these buildings and damage them or steal the items inside. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 11, 2022Farm insurance is also known as ranch insurance, crop insurance, livestock insurance and farm rental insurance. Known mainly as farm insurance, it is known by these other names because of what these policies can cover for most any type of farmer. Farm insurance is there to cover losses on crops, buildings, land or livestock. READ MORE >>
Thursday, December 31, 2020 When Does Farm Insurance Pay Out? Although farm insurance has several unique aspects, the claims process is much the same as any other business insurance policy. When you file a claim on any part of your farm insurance policy, you will need to follow the normal claims process, along with waiting the proper length of time to receive compensation. READ MORE >>
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