As you shop for home insurance, your agent may ask you how much dwelling coverage you would like to buy. Dwelling coverage is the amount of financial help you receive to cover the structure of the home. It is sometimes called Coverage A.
If your home gets damaged or destroyed through a covered event, this policy will help to cover some or all those losses. Having the right amount of coverage is quite important. You’ll want to pay close attention to the details of your plan.

What Does Dwelling Coverage Cover?
Each policy is different. Your home insurance plan may have specific exclusions for non-covered events. Typically, this includes flooding, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Most dwelling coverage will apply to risks such as:
- Theft
- Hail
- Windstorm damage
- Fires
- Vandalism (and rioting)
- Other risks defined in the policy
This coverage extends into the home. It will cover items such as:
- The building’s walls
- Fireplaces
- Rooms
- Carpeting
- Flooring
- Attached decking
- Attached porches and coverings
- The roof (and most other structural components)
Most often, it does not cover fences, satellite dishes, or antennas on your home. Other exclusions may apply.
When you consider all the policy will cover, it is important to understand the value of this plan. Select enough home insurance to cover the cost to rebuild your lost structure.
In most cases, you will want replacement cost coverage on your home and attached structures. This means the insurance policy will pay you enough to replace the items that were lost. If you have only actual value coverage, by comparison, it would only pay the cost of the lost item at the time of the loss. This payout may be less than what it would cost to replace the item.
It’s best to have a contractor evaluate your home to determine the amount of dwelling coverage you need. Factors such as the square footage of the home, its style, and details of the living space will play a role in the cost to rebuild. Also, professionals can help you estimate the local construction and labor costs, among other factors.
Your insurance agent can give you guidelines for selecting the right dwelling coverage. Be sure to invest in a comprehensive policy with as few limitations as you can. This can help give you the peace of mind you need when a covered event does take place.
If you’re looking for affordable home insurance coverage, Franklin Insurance Agency, Inc can help you today. Give us a call at 706-356-8884 or request a free home insurance quote now.